Saturday, November 11, 2000


collar what’s that I don’t know what that is with all do respect

that was a close one

it happens every time you’d think that at some point you’d learn

assume the dog play position

a gesture that does not go unrecognized

in cast iron minutes of nomenclature being a person of astute stature coupled with the theme music that plays as I walk on my hind legs

I hereby pick cotton and give it to algodon who lives in the area above the stairway that is a metaphor for a portal or something you’d usually see on a cruise ship

truman capote once compared it to while under the covers making whoopie with betty crocker who in some circles was written off as a hapless kerchief when in effect she was closer to being a hopeless romantic than anything else

besides it wasn’t until the pre dawn hours that strutting of stuff and/or the hitting of strides starts to hit its stride and strut its stuff analytically

Friday, November 10, 2000


the swelty carrying the spine unto regional tones periodically the naturist has known to succumb as well in a formulaic mold blend of fill it to the rim

salient ways blending methodically into liquid square forms boundlessly full of energy and light justice reaching sufficient lemmings perched on rafters snaring side winding stretches of ribbon to the tee

right up your alley mighty high legume my lesson in salivating tomorrow’s today at last long drip of sonny williams digging the punch spicket folding for yosemite

echo the sentiment and pass it on to the shot como se accent the you’re in for it now just how is it done

why with painstaking resemblance to reconciled wooly mammoths that feed off indulgences that take a second longer to betray the coaster picturing the assembled

guessing the outcome flying wild over the sandbar only to really before totally bellowed