Thursday, July 12, 2001


kick me white dog I’m stupid

how easily we forget

now that I’ve started I’d like to learn how to turn off the frightful glances and whispers which ring through my head then back down to laughter

then once more to a sight of spoken words more like yells really that stand for get back and

my wrist band is my badge of honor

and then it sinks back into the past and you stress out and let out a big sigh of relief until you have to

understand that you’re not being intimately recorded for playback in some time capsule but rather more for the purposes of courtesy postcards mailed from disguises

bless your heart and soul catsup

perturbed more so unlike before

hear ye hear ye is of the utmost concern

Tuesday, July 10, 2001


I was asked to pass the test

in a figurative way obviously

my freakiness was put on the spot and I did what was expected of me as well as what I was told to do

except this time

except from now on

this size wise been burning sage what wise guy

spoon feeding for now and looking crazy in the process

but do listen closely and be alert because there’s a lot going on around you

once again in cryptic axioms waking up and knowing the day I first woke up is what day it is



I couldn’t have said it better myself

so why do I try to get the whole story the half truths

what am I stupid or reading this or the next domino in a line capitalizing